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I was reading Adam Lee’s article from North Biz News, “Uncouth Youth: How to Get Young Drinkers Interested in Wine”, and one fact really stood out. It says: “for the first time in 45 years, consumption of spirits will outpace wine consumption.” So why is this happening? Many people are wondering why younger generations are choosing other drinks or just not drinking at all.

Some believe this change is due to more competition from craft cocktails and cannabis. Others feel that wine seems too complicated or intimidating for new drinkers. Whatever the reason, it’s clear that the wine industry needs to rethink how it connects with younger consumers.

Why the Younger Generation Isn’t Choosing Wine

Many young people view wine as stuffy, hard to navigate, or simply out of reach due to cost. I recently signed up for a two-hour wine tasting for people aged 21 to 35. It costs $57, but I’m not sure if it includes food! This high cost can make wine seem inaccessible for new wine drinkers, pushing them toward cheaper and trendier options like spirits or craft beers. 

But it’s not just about price. Younger generations are more attached to their phones than ever. They enjoy shared experiences through technology, like streaming, gaming, and social media.

Wine, however, hasn’t fully embraced these digital habits yet. This gap between what the new generation of wine drinkers wants and what the wine industry offers needs to be closed if wine is going to stay relevant. 

Connecting with Young Wine Drinkers Through Technology 

To attract young people, wine brands must think beyond the usual tasting room. They need to engage this tech-savvy audience.

Winelikes is doing just that. Our app is designed to make wine fun and approachable for younger wine drinkers- simplifying the wine experience. And at Winelikes, we understand that technology and social interaction are key for engaging young people. 

How Winelikes is Attracting the Younger Audience

Our market research supported Adam Lee’s observation. Even when young people appear alone on their phones, they are often connecting with friends. This led to the development of two games within the app that target new wine drinkers:

  • Wine Trivia: Users answer wine-related questions and earn points, learning more about wine in a fun and engaging way. 
  • Wine Word Game: A quick, brain-teasing game that introduced wine terms in a playful format. 

With these games, users can earn high scores, challenge friends, and share their achievements on the main app feed. Soon, they will be able to share their scores on Facebook and Instagram. This will make wine culture more interactive, changing the industry for beginner wine drinkers

Why the Shared Experience Matters to Wine Drinkers 

Wine’s biggest strength might be its social aspect- an entire bottle to be shared among friends. Younger drinkers are missing out because they are not exposed to quality wine in friendly places.

Restaurants often provide affordable wines by the glass, possible being the only wine experience for new drinkers. This can turn them off from exploring further and trying better quality wines, overall making the beverage feel less appealing compared to other drinks.

Bridging the Gap Using Winelikes

For wine to stay relevant, the industry needs to rethink its approach. Here are a few strategies to consider:

  1. Make Quality Wine More Accessible: Restaurants and bars can team up with wineries. This way, they can offer better wines by the glass. New wine drinkers will get a true taste of what wine can provide. 
  2. Focus on Shared Experiences: Market wine as a way to bring people together, like a game or a concert. 
  3. Create Digital Engagement: Use technology and social media to connect with new wine drinkers. Interactive games like Winelikes can help make this connection feel natural.

The wine industry can attract new drinkers by making small changes and embracing digital trends. The next generation of wine drinkers isn’t avoiding wine- they’re just waiting for it to fit into their lives and bring them more joy! Winelikes is perfect for young wine drinkers to interact and learn about the world of wine together, and it’s never too late to start. Download the app on the Apple App Store or on Google Play. Cheers!

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